Menu Plan October 25-November 1

It's hard to believe another week has come and gone.  I really can't believe that I'm already planning meals for November!  Time is flying by so fast.  But it's Saturday again and that means menu planning for the next week.  So here is our menu for this coming week.  I hope you find it helpful.  If you are interested in a recipe that I don't have listed, please let me know! 

Week of October 26-Nov 1
Sunday (Nursery & Serve Team Members Meeting @ Church)
Breakfast-  Overnight Pumpkin Oatmeal (E) Everyone 
Lunch- Chicken Alfredo over Dreamfields Pasta, Green beans (S) Everyone
Dinner- Sausage & Egg Tacos, fruit (S) Everyone  *(Pack leftover Pasta for Nathan's meal tomorrow)

Monday (*Nathan @ Station)
Breakfast- Me: Pumpkin Muffin In A Mug w/ Pumpkin Cream Cheese & Greek Yogurt Frosting (S) Kids: Banana Muffins with Peanut Butter
Lunch- Me: Salad & Fat Stripping Frappe (E) Kids: PB & Jelly, smoothie
Dinner- Black Bean Soup with blue corn chips (E) Everyone

Tuesday (Nathan @ Station)
Breakfast- Scrambled Eggs (Sides are either turkey bacon &/or Shake) (S) Everyone
Lunch- Me: Grilled cheese on Bread In A Mug w/ tomato soup (S)  Kids: Grilled Cheese & Ham Sandwich, Carrots & Ranch
Dinner- Chicken Tacos (S or E) (Depends on what toppings we use that night) Everyone

Wednesday (Awanas)
Breakfast- Me: Trim Healthy Pancakes with either Sugar-free syrup or Greek Yogurt & berries (E)  Kids: Pancakes
Lunch- Me: Salad & yogurt with fruit (S or E) Kids: Mac & Cheese, fruit
Dinner-  Leftover Black Bean Soup with blue corn chips (E) Everyone

Thursday (Soccer Practice)
Breakfast- Overnight Oatmeal (E) Everyone
Lunch- Me: Tuna fish on a wrap with a FSP (E), Kids: Tuna fish sandwich with pretzels and fruit.
Dinner- Homemade Pizza and Salad (E) Everyone *(Pack leftovers for Nathan's dinner tomorrow)

Friday (Nathan @ Station & Fall Festival)
Breakfast- Omelets with Shake or yogurt with fruit (S) Everyone
Lunch- Me: Turkey Wrap & apple cinnamon yogurt (E) Kids: Turkey Sandwich & apple cinnamon yogurt
Dinner- Crockpot Refried Beans & cheese quesadillas (E) Everyone

Saturday (Soccer game & Chili Cook Off & Trunk or Teat @ Church)
Breakfast-  Oatmeal Pumpkin Muffins (E) Everyone 
Lunch-  Me: Stuffed Sweet Potato (E) Kids: PB & Jelly, pretzels, fruit
Dinner-  Chili @ Church (Everyone)

Snacks Kids:
1.       Popcorn
2.       Smoothies
3.       Peanuts & String cheese
4.       Cinnamon Apples
5.       Fruit
6.       Raisons
7.       Muffins
8.       Goldfish

My snacks:
1.       Shake
2.       Yogurt with fruit
3.       yogurt with peanut butter
4.       Skinny chocolate & coffee
5.       Peanuts & string cheese
6.       Almonds
7.       Cottage Berry Whip
8.       Muffin In A Mug
9.       Sweet Potato fries
10.   Chick peas
11.   Popcorn
12.   Cinnamon apples with yogurt

*Desserts & Freezer Cooking this week:
1.       Pumpkin Cream Cake
2.       White Chocolate Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies (For the kids)
3.       Pumpkin Oatmeal Muffins
4.       Trim Healthy Mama Pancakes (+ Extras to freeze)
5.       Homemade Pancakes for the kids (+ Extras to freeze)
6.       Apple Muffins (Some THM muffins for me & some regular for the kids)

*These are things that I am hoping to make.  Some weeks things get crazy and I don't always get to all of it though. 

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