What is it with Mondays?

There are some days where I just want to hit the rewind button and start all over.  It tends to happen on Mondays... I think it's that way with most people.

Ruy came home last night sick.  He had some sort of 24 hour bug.  I put him to bed at 8:15PM and he slept until 9:15AM!!!  I was happy he got the rest he needed because he was feeling MUCH better this morning, but it threw off our whole school routine.  Alanna also decided that 4:50 would be a good time to wake me up this morning and then she didn't go back to sleep until 6:30.  Nathan gets up at that time and the boys usually get out of bed shortly after, so I got in the shower at 6:30 after being up for 2 hours.  I knew it was going to be a long day at that point.  

We didn't get to start school until close to 11 this morning just because everything was so off.  We still weren't done with all our school by 3PM but it had been a long day so we headed off to check out a new park.  When I say "headed off" you have to remember all the things that go into "heading off" to the park.  I wish it were as simple as grab my keys and go but those days ended a long time ago.  In the middle of me trying to get ready to go, Alanna woke up from her nap which only was about 45 minutes.  She was most definitely not ready to be awake so she cried and cried the entire time I tried to get ready.  Packing up the diaper bag, snacks, cups, my purse, getting myself ready, taking Liam potty, and trying to convince Ruy that Duke had hid his rain boot somewhere in the back yard and that he must wear another pair of shoes, all while Alanna was screaming...well you get the picture.  I was a little stressed by the time we got into the van.  

But once we got to the park we all felt more relaxed.  The boys were excited to go "exploring" on the trails and Alanna loved watching them play while she snacked on some grapes.  We really liked it and now they want to go back tomorrow.  

We had to pick up a few things at Wal-Mart after the park, and then headed home to eat dinner.  Thankfully I had Black Bean Soup in the crockpot.  Dinner was ready to eat within 20 minutes of us getting home and all the kids loved it.  Alanna LOVES some black beans and sour cream so this was the perfect meal for her.  The boys liked dipping Blue Corn Chips in the soup.  It's always nice to find a new recipe that is cheap and easy that the kids love.  This will definitely be a recipe I make often from now on.  

I had to put Liam to bed at 7:15.  He was so emotional and tired and just couldn't stop crying.  Alanna went to bed right after him and by 8 Ruy was saying that he was tired.  I read a book to him and got him tucked in.  

The nights when Nathan is working at the fire station are hard.  The kids have missed him a lot this week.  Liam especially has had a hard time this week.  Nathan was gone for 11 days in China and then came home and went straight into his "hell week" at the station.  He got home early Sunday morning and then went to the station on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and today. 
 By the end of "hell week" I am always worn out.  I'm sure that's why today seemed so much longer than most days.
 But tomorrow is a new day...


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