Apple Picking Fun

After church this past Sunday, we headed up to the Apple Orchard.  It was the first weekend of the fall festival at the Orchard so it was really busy.  It took us 30 minutes just to get to the top of the mountain.  It was such a beautiful day though.  It only got up to about 65 degrees so the weather was just perfect.  

Once we were parked we got in line for some apple cider donuts.  We ate 12 of them within a few minutes.  Yes...they are really that good :) After we had our donuts we headed back to the van, got some water and then gave the boys their apple bags.  

There were a ton of Golden Delicious Apples right by where we parked so we stopped there first and loaded up with a bunch of those. 

 I dressed the boys in similar sweaters but it only lasted on Ruy for about 10 minutes and then his sweater was tied around his waste.  Oh well. 

Liam loves carrying his own bag.  He can only handle about five apples and then he has to start handing off his apples into Daddy's bag. 

Nathan's Mom came with us this year.  The boys loved having their Grammy with them.  Nathan's Mom is so good with the kids.  She is so full of energy and makes them laugh like no one else can.  Nathan's Dad had to work that day unfortunately.  We really missed having him with us. I feel so blessed to have her and Nathan's Dad as grandparents to my kids. 

Ruy's favorite part is getting up on Nathan's shoulders and picking the apples that are too high to reach from the ground.

Alanna spent pretty much the whole time in the Ergo.  It's pretty hard to have a stroller or wagon at the orchard.  The paths are very hilly and bumpy so it's easier just to carry a baby.  When we started picking the Jonagold apples, I let her sit for a bit on the grass.  I let her hold an apple in order to help her sit still long enough for me to get a few pictures of her.  She was pretty excited about the apple and ate a little bite of it.  She looks so grown up in these pictures! 

They LOVE her so much!

I'm so thankful I had Nathan there behind me getting Liam and Alanna to look up at me :) 

We picked 34 pounds worth of apples so I have a lot of baking and freezing to do this week.  I'm surprised I was able to fit all of the apples in my refrigerator.  

Liam has been singing a song since about a week before we went apple picking.  It goes something like this...
"na-ne-na-ne cinnamon appey pie." 

He say's "appey pie" for apple pie.  I guess since he has been singing about apple pie so much I will have to make one for him!  And I might just have to stray away from my "no sugar" rule and have some myself!  Who can say no to apple pie???  Or maybe I will have to find a way to make an apple pie the THM way.

Well I guess that's all for our apple picking adventures this year! 

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