10 Days In East Asia...{Day 6}

{Day 6}



Today was most definitely Monday.  The morning started out well with me getting up at 6:15 and being showered, dressed, make up done, and bed made before the boys got up at 7.  So things started out well but got a little rough through breakfast.  I was trying to deal with some issues the boys have been having and it just became a little overwhelming.  Adding all that to how much I missed you today just made it worse.  The boys were also needing to get out and do something after being cooped up inside for three days from all the rain we had this past weekend.  
We decided to head out to Williamsburg with your family after we finished school.  We had a really good time.  Ruy got a new Brazil shirt and army shorts and Liam got a free balloon.  They were both pretty happy.  We took the kids to a park after we went shopping and they had so much fun. 

 We had pizza for dinner...pizza that was not "on plan." But I didn't really seem to care tonight.  I'm planning on eating a large bowl of ice cream tonight as well.  I might as well just dig my hole deeper.  

The kids are sound asleep and tomorrow we are planning on doing school, some crafts, making an apple pie for my Dad, and having a birthday party for my Dad.  The kids are pretty excited to celebrate my Dad's birthday.  We wish you could be with us.  Nothing is as fun without you...nothing seems to be complete without you.  

Is it Saturday yet???

Your verses in your letter to me today were my favorite verses...
The Fruits Of The Spirit

Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control

Oh how I needed these verses today.

Tomorrow is a new day though.  I love the verses in 

{Lamentations 3:22-23}
22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.

We love you.  I hope your day is amazing. 

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