10 Days In East Asia...{Day 7}

{Day 7}



Today went so much better than yesterday.  It was actually a really great day.  We stayed home all day.  It was nice to be at home for an entire day.  No little errands to run, no grocery shopping, no practice, no play dates or field trips, ...just us at home all day.  

We did school, took a walk, played outside. Ruy swept the whole front walkway.  Liam played in the flower beds with a stick.  We moved the train table out to the living room.  Liam loves the train table but doesn't like being so "far" away from me.  So I moved it out of his room and put it out in the living room.  He played with it pretty much the whole day.  It doesn't make the living room look very pretty, but I think I am going to leave it there because I loved how much it entertained Liam and Ruy today.  The boys' room also has a lot more space in it now.  I moved Ruy's desk into their room and they still have a lot of floor space for playing legos or play mobil or wresting. 

Dad and Donna came over to celebrate Dad's birthday. When Dad walked in the door Liam said "Grandad, it's good to see you!" He's so silly.  I made spaghetti in the crock pot for dinner.  And I made an apple pie for my Dad's birthday present since it's his favorite.  The boys made cards for him.  I meant to take a picture of their cards.  They were so cute but I forgot. 

 Darth Vader joined us for dinner too :)

Donna made our family favorite...the chocolate cake.  But she made the most wonderful frosting for it.  I ate TWO pieces.  But it was so good.  She left a bunch of it here...I'm sorry but I don't think there will be any left by the time you get home.  The boys loved helping put all 55 candles on Dad's cake.  Yes, he still has to have every single candle on his cake. 

He had them help him blow out the candles.  They really loved that. 

Dad washed all the dishes from dinner and cake.  I don't try to argue with him any more about who's going to wash dishes.  He loves doing them...he says it's relaxing.  Donna played "Hide the penny" with Ruy almost the whole time.  He loved that.  Liam was so sweet.  He came up to Donna, rubbed her hair, gave her a big kiss and said "I love you!" 

 Alanna turned 11 months today.  It's hard to believe our little Sweet Pea is almost one year old.  I wrote up her monthly blog post and this blog post tonight and now I'm heading to bed.  
I love you!

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