My Laundry Schedule's never ending. And a few months ago, I constantly felt overwhelmed by it.  I would always just go through the rooms and check to see if anything needed to be washed.  Some days I would completely forget to check.  Some times, days and days would go by without me doing laundry and then I would have multiple loads to do in one day, which caused loads and loads to be folded, which meant loads and loads were left piled in a laundry basket because I never had time to fold them.  It was stressful.  It was frustrating.  It had to change.

So I sat down one afternoon while the kids were napping, and I wrote up and simple Laundry Schedule.  Here it is...

Monday:  White Delicates & *Diapers

Tuesday:  Sheets & Jeans

Wednesday:  Dark Delicates & *Diapers 

Thursday:  Towels

Friday:  Nathan's clothes & *Diapers

Saturday:  Extra Laundry

Sunday:  *Diapers

Since writing up this schedule, I know exactly what load to do every day.  I start a load of laundry either before or right after breakfast (depending on how crazy my morning is, I may forget until after lunch!) and then fold that load of laundry sometime after lunch and before dinner.  Now the laundry doesn't pile up and loads and loads of clean laundry aren't sitting around waiting to be folded.  Yes, of course there are still days where something unexpected comes up and I forget to start the laundry that day.  If that happens I will just add it to the next day or wait until Saturday to get caught up. 

I have a laundry basket in my closet for my clothes, and  separate laundry baskets in my bathroom for Nathan's clothes and the towels.  Liam and Ruy have a basket in their room, and Alanna has a basket in her room.  I mix our clothes together when I wash them unless the boys have dirtied so many clothes in a weeks time, then I will do two separate dark delicate loads.  I always wash Nathan's clothes by themselves.  

I cloth diapered with Liam pretty exclusively except for bedtime and long trips until he was potty trained a few months ago.  When I had Alanna I had every intention of using cloth diapers with her after she was 3 months old but I just never could get into it.  I was going through a hard time at that point and cloth diapers were just adding a big extra stress for me.  After talking with Nathan about it, we decided it was best to just use disposable for her and stop trying to make cloth diapering work until I felt ready to dive back into it.  Honestly, I should have started using them again months ago but just haven't.  I am planning on starting again very soon.  I am switching her to the old fashioned style of cloth diapers and need to order some covers, which is why I haven't started.  I need to stop procrastinating on ordering the covers and just get started already.  

Cloth diapers are different than disposables, but don't have to be stressful.  I loved them with Liam, but was at a different point in my life when Alanna was born and it just wasn't right for me at that time.  I'm hoping this time around will go much better :)  

I hope this Laundry Schedule post was helpful to you.  If you do something different, I'd love to hear about how you keep your laundry organized. 

And because every post deserves a picture or two...

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