10 Days In East Asia... {Day 1}

As most of you know, Nathan left for a missions trip to East Asia early yesterday morning.  He went with a group from our church and will be gone until October 18.  Nathan loves going on missions trips.  It is something he feels that God has called him to do.  He would love to be doing 3-4 trips a year but right now in the season of life we are in, that isn't possible.  He has been to Brazil (several times), Bosnia, Haiti, and now East Asia.  It is a bit different than all the other countries he has gone to.  All his other missions trips he was doing some kind of construction work...usually building churches. But in East Asia, his work will be totally different.  I know he was excited and anxious for this experience and I can't wait to hear about all that happens.  

We should be able to Skype while he is gone but there is a 12 hour time difference from here to there and with their schedule, I don't know if it will work for us to talk every day.  Nathan left letters for us each day that he is gone though, so even if we don't get to Skype we will still have something to read from him.  He put clues in each letter to lead to the next letter he wrote.  They are all hidden somewhere inside or around our house.  He wrote me a letter for every day he was gone when he went to Brazil for 12 days back when Liam was about 10 months old.  We weren't able to talk at all that entire trip.  But this time, he wrote letters for all three kids and me. 

Since we won't be able to talk every day probably or for very long if we do get to talk, I decided to blog about our days while he is gone so that when he gets back, he can read about what we did.  Then I plan on doing a post about his trip since so many people have asked me about what he will be doing there.  
So here is my first post about our first day with Nathan gone.

{Day 1:}


When you woke me up this morning to tell me good bye I was pretty much still mainly asleep.  I think it was around 4AM.  I don't think I was even able to open my eyes.  I was so tired because I kept waking up the whole night thinking about how you would be gone in a few hours.  Knowing you were awake in the living room instead of being next to me in our bed also made it hard to sleep.  I know you had to stay up so that you could sleep on the plane but it just felt so weird.  

Alanna woke me up at 6:05AM.  I fed her, got ready for the day, and then the boys got up a little after 7AM. They had pancakes for breakfast and I had a shake.  I wanted to have a Muffin In A Mug but the eggs were all gone.  I'm assuming by the fact that the frying pan was out on the stove that you had the lasts of the eggs for breakfast.

I found your letter in my mason jar this morning.  It was the highlight of my day.  I waited to open it until we were all sitting down to breakfast.  Ruy was really excited.  He was so happy you wrote him a letter.  He read it aloud to me and loved that you said "very" a bunch of times.  He also liked your little drawing.  He had to read Liam and Alanna's letters too.  He said he felt better after he read your letter to him.  Liam didn't really understand but Ruy can't wait to open Day 2's letter tomorrow and find out what the clue says.  He accidentally found Day 5's letter outside somewhere today but he said he put it back and didn't read it.

We did school for a bit in the morning and then headed to Maymont Park for a field trip with another home-school family.  The boys were really excited about our day at the park.  Ruy couldn't wait to see "Chompy" the goat.  All the kids had such a great time.  We were they about three hours.  Liam walked the whole time.  He was really worn out by the time we left.  He wanted to see the eagle so bad but it wasn't out today.  Ruy and Luke were having a blast in all the bamboo trees.  The bamboo trees made me think of Pandas, which live in China...which made me think of you.  They also had a blast feeding the huge fish that were in the pond and climbing on the rocks by the waterfall.  Liam did really well with staying with me today at the park.  He found a little stick and played with that and Luke's binoculars most of the time.  Alanna was her typically sweet self.  She got hit in the head with an acorn though and it hurt her really bad.  We were walking up these stone steps by the waterfall and I saw something come falling out of the trees, heard a VERY loud thump, and saw something bounce off of her head.  It took her a few seconds to start crying and then the most terrible cry came out of her.  I've never heard her cry so hard or so sad.  It scared me so bad.  We ate lunch under the gazebo.  It was quiet and cool in the shade.  Then while all the kids played by the water, I was able to get a few moments of quiet "adult" conversation in.  :)   We headed home around 1:30PM.

Liam was really worn out and I knew we would be out a little late from Awanas so I laid Liam down for a nap.  He actually fell asleep right away.  Alanna was super exhausted and actually fell asleep while I nursed her.  I spent some time blogging while they slept and then after they got up, I picked up the house a bit, swept, and made leftovers for dinner.  Alanna ate SO much macaroni for dinner.  She seriously loves that stuff.  She kept slurping the noodles in.  Then she ate a bunch of cinnamon apples. She was screaming for more every time I would stop feeding them to her.  

Ruy watched The Lone Ranger today.  He liked Tonto.  He says he wants to be an Indian for Halloween now. 

While I cleaned up dinner, I had Ruy do his piano lesson.  He did a great job on Old MacDonald.  He got frustrated with one of the other new songs and said "it's too hard!"  But we worked together on it and he did very well on it by the time the lesson was over.  I think by the time you get back he will know it really well.  

Ruy had Awanas tonight and got his first patch!  I am so proud of him.  They said they are iron-on patches.  I'm good with that.  I have no clue how to sew on a patch.  Maybe I should just learn how to sew already.  :)  I'll iron it on tomorrow and take a picture of it.  

While he was at Awanas I went to Old Navy and found Alanna the cutest swim suit for next summer!  The best part is that it was only $4.47.  I love finding a good deal.   Actually I got her several things for next Summer.  It was all on sale for such good prices.  Then I found her the cutest Llama stuffed animal at Carters.  I'm planning on giving it to her for Christmas.  You know how I am about stuffed animals. When we were getting back into the van to go get Ruy, Liam saw an airplane WAY up in the sky.  He said "Mommy look it's China!!!"  I asked him if he meant that that was the plane Daddy was on going to China?  He said "yea that's Daddy's plane to China!"  He wanted to go on the plane with you.  He asked me earlier today if he could go with you.  I think he misses you already.

I picked up Ruy and then when we got home gave Ruy and Liam a snack before I got them into bed.  Alanna was SO happy to finally get into her crib.  That girl loves her bed.  So thankful for a baby that loves her bed.  Liam took a while to fall asleep.  He kicked the wall for some time.  I was pretty frustrated with that but he finally stopped and went to sleep around 9:45.  But my frustration was somewhat canceled out by the large bowl of carb-smart vanilla ice cream I ate while typing this.  

I missed you today.  It was weird not being able to say good-night to you.  Over the past four years since you became a fire fighter, I've adjusted to you being gone at night a lot.  But not hearing your voice at night is not fun.  I wanted to be watching Biggest Loser or Chicago Fire with you tonight but of course I will wait to watch any of the episodes until you get home.  It's no fun watching them without you.  

I'm heading off to bed now...you are on a plane somewhere far away right now.  You should be in China within the next two hours I believe.  It's hard to believe you are so far away from us. 

I love you...I'm praying for you...I miss you!

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