10 Days In East Asia...{Days 8 & 9}

{Day 8}



* I didn't use my "big-girl camera" the past two days so all I used in this post were pictures from my camera.  

One week...It's been one whole week since you left.  I didn't get to talk to you on Skype today.  I was gone when you called me earlier today.  I hate that I wasn't here to talk to you. 

Today was trash day.  And you know what...I didn't forget to put the trash can on the curb.  Actually I'll let you in on my little secret...I never brought the trash can back down from the curb since last week when you took it up there before you left!!!  It's so heavy and I didn't want to take the chance of forgetting so I just left it there.  :)

It rained today. While cleaning up breakfast,I kept Liam busy by having him make me something to eat with his play food. He loved making me pizza and soup. We did school until lunch time and then headed to the Children's Museum with Kim and the girls.  Kim is moving again in the next few days so I'm soaking in as much time with her as possible.  She doesn't know how far away she will be this time so I may not get to see her much for the next few months.  I'm hoping they will not be too far away though.  Our kids all play so well together.  It stinks that both my sister and my best friend moved into trailers and moved away from me within a few months of each other!  

We had a really great time at the museum though.  Kim and I just "get each other" like no one else could.  We are like the same person in different bodies!  Ha ha.  That sounds funny but it's pretty true.  We are so much a like it's kind of crazy.  It was nice to get some of the stress I have been feeling off my mind.  

Ruy had Awanas tonight.  He was excited to wear his new patch tonight and then he also earned his first Red Jewel tonight.  He was so proud. 

After I dropped Ruy off at Awanas, I brought the "littles" home and cleaned up dinner, bathed them, put their pjs on and headed back out to get Ruy.  Liam thought it was the coolest thing getting to wear his pjs out.  It made things a lot easier to have them totally ready for bed.  Liam wanted a picture of him wearing his pjs at church! When we got home it was about 8:30.  All I had to do was wait for Ruy to get ready for bed, then pray with them and tuck them in.  Simple, less crying, and less frustration on my part. 

I think I'm having a sugar overload headache tonight.  Monday I had Chick-fil-a, and pizza.  Tuesday I had regular spaghetti noodles, bread & butter, and chocolate cake.  And today I ate a big piece of leftover chocolate cake.  Oh.My.Word.  My brain is kind of freaking out.  I must get back on track tomorrow.  I'm ending the night with a yummy THM Peppermint Shake!  It's pretty much amazing.

I hope we get to talk tomorrow.  I miss you terribly.  I can't wait to see you!

 {Day 9}



Honestly...I don't have much to say about today.  It was just another day.  Nothing unusual happened.  We got to talk to you for just a few minutes today. But with all three kids sitting on me trying to talk to you at the same time....I never really got a chance to tell you much about what's been going on.  And I didn't really get a chance to talk about what you've been doing either.  I guess we will get all caught up on life once you get home.  

Tomorrow is Day 10 of your trip...which means tomorrow is the last FULL day I will go without seeing you.  Your plane lands at 10:30 Saturday night though so I may not be seeing you until early Sunday morning so this really should have been titled 11 Days in East Asia.  Oh well...it's a little late to go back and change all that.  Enough of my ramblings though. 

Here is a little bit on what happened today...

I ordered some pictures from when we went apple picking.  I love how they look on the piano but I only have one of the frames repainted.  Hopefully I will get around to repainting the other frames soon. 

I played outside with the boys for a little while Alanna took her afternoon nap.  I pushed them on the swings and we played tag...I was permanently "it."

Ruy thought it would be fun to mess with Liam.

 Liam didn't exactly agree with Ruy.

Ruy had soccer practice tonight.  He did really well.  Liam and Alanna had fun eating snacks and chasing each other around. 

He is a mess.

I told him to "stay off the field."  He said "I'm just crawling on the red line."  Why do kids have to get as close to disobeying as possible???

Baby Girl thinks she is big stuff.

We came home and Liam went right to bed.  Alanna let me nurse her to sleep!  And I read to Ruy for a bit before tucking him in.  And that was it for our Thursday.  I'm sure your day was much more interesting than ours.  We all really miss you.  Ruy says he is ready to wrestle with you and play games with you.  Liam keeps telling me he feels sad and that he misses you.  

Love You Forever & Always


  1. I'm in love with Alanna's little moccasins!

  2. Oh thank you! I am just slightly obsessed with them. I will be buying more for sure! She can't get them off her feet which is great. Every other shoes I have tried on her are either too tight for her slightly chubby foot, or she can pull them right off.
