10 Days In East Asia...{Day 10}

{Day 10}



Tomorrow!!!  Tomorrow you will be on a plane on your way home to me, to us!  I can't wait.  Even though I won't see you until probably 1AM Sunday morning, just the fact that you will be on your way home tomorrow is amazing.  I am beyond excited.  I can hardly contain myself.  I have missed you so much! I can't wait to see all the pictures you took and hear more about your trip.

Ruy found your letters this morning in with the movies.  Liam was all over him trying to get his letter from him.  He held it up so proud and wanted a picture of it.  Ruy immediately got his Bible out and read the verses you wrote for him to read.  He has loved that.  I read the verses you put on my letter to the boys today for Devotions.
 {I Corinthians 13}
We talked a lot about what love is and how each of the things love is or is not applied to our lives.  

We had "re-fried bean" and cheese quesadillas, and yogurt with strawberries for lunch.  I had my favorite Apple Pie Spice GGMS drink with mine.  The kids love the strawberry yogurt.  Liam ate his so fast. 

*Phone picture.
*Phone picture.

I played outside with the kids for an hour today.  I've really been working on making sure I actually play with them and not just sit and watch them play.  We played tag again today for some time.  I wore sneakers today instead of flip flops so that I actually had somewhat of a chance of outrunning Ruy.  He is SO fast now it's crazy.  At one point he ran up the slide to get away from me thinking that I wouldn't be able to chase him up there.  I totally surprised him and myself and ran up the slide after him...and I made it all the way!  He was so shocked when I grabbed him.  He feel down on the playground laughing, I tickled him a bunch and we both laughed and laughed.  It was fun.  Alanna sat in the swing while we played tag.  She was smiling and laughing as we ran around her.  

I did a quick five minute photo session with Alanna today.  I had a certain outfit I wanted to use for some of her One Year pictures but it needed to be worn on a warm day.  I wasn't sure how many more warm days like today we would have the rest of the year, so I went ahead and did them today even though it is a few weeks early.  She looked so beautiful in them.  I can't wait to show you and to do her One Year Pictures on the blog.  

After I put Alanna down for her nap, I had Ruy and Liam spend time in their room for "Quiet-time."  I set the alarm for one hour.  I got the play mobil out for Liam.  I had Ruy read for 20 minutes and then let him play legos the rest of the time.  Liam did amazing today.  That was the longest time I made him have quiet time and he only came out of the room for me twice, and he didn't cry at all.  I think he really liked having Ruy in there with him.  They both played by themselves and were very quiet.  I was able to fold a load of laundry, start a load of towels, balance the check book, and work on a menu plan during that hour.  It was pretty peaceful and relaxing.  I feel like I am making really good progress with Liam and this "quiet-time" thing. 

After they got done with quiet time, they asked to have the rest of the leftover birthday cake.  I said yes since Liam had been so good.  Liam asked if he could have candles on his cake and sing "A Happy Birthday To You?"  He was so sweet when he asked and he loves candles so much... I decided to go against my normal tendency and I said "yes he could."  We put three candles on Liam's, and seven on Ruy's piece of cake.  We sang Happy Birthday two times and they each blew out candles.  Liam was unbelievably happy and excited.  The look on his face when he saw those candles was priceless.  Such a little thing to most...but such a big deal to him.  Ruy just thinks that it is awesome to blow out candles, whether it's on a cake or regular candles. I know...this is not something I will probably ever do again because birthdays are special and I wouldn't want their "real" birthday to loose it's specialness,but for a one time thing...it was pretty fun.

I had our favorite "Cottage Berry Whip" for dessert while the boys had cake. 

I took the kids on a run with me...if you can call it a "run."  I only made it 10 minutes.  Pathetic I know.  My throat started burning terribly and I just couldn't get past it.  So we came back and I let Liam ride his bike, put Alanna in the stroller, and Ruy walked with me.

Alanna went to bed at 7PM.  She took two pretty short naps today and was really tired.  I read books to the boys in our bed (they love that), tucked Liam into bed, and then Ruy and I tied with 2 wins each in Uno.  

It was really a wonderful day today.  So relaxing and I just really enjoyed my time with the kids.  I love days like today.  I feel happy.  I feel blessed.  I love our family.  

I love you.  And I can not wait until tomorrow night to finally see you!


  1. I've missed Liam's favorite hat the last few posts! Has he lost interest?! Wahh

  2. Ashleigh,
    He goes through phases where he will wear it constantly and then he takes a few days break from it...usually because it gets lost somewhere in his "special box." But then after a few days he says "Oh my hat!", goes searching for it and comes out of his room with it on and a big grin on his face. So be on the lookout over the next few posts because I'm sure pictures with it on him are in the near future :)
