The State Fair

Friday morning we headed out to the State Fair. 
 We packed a lunch and ate on a blanket right next to the van once we parked.  Fair food is pretty expensive (and pretty greasy) so I figured I would save us some money and just pack a lunch.  

We headed over to the animal section first.  They had ducks, chickens, cows, alpacas, goats, sheep, doves, rabbits, horses, and ponies.  Liam was really scared of the horse and the alpacas.  He wanted no part in touching them.  I did convince him that the sheep were ok to touch though.  He pet it for a second and then quick backed away from it.  Alanna thought the sheep were pretty neat.  Ruy's favorite animal was the black horse that came right over to us when we got to the fence.  I totally forgot to get a picture of her though.  She was really pretty.  The baby cows were so adorable.  They were only a few days old!

I love how I was able to capture Ruy so sweetly trying to show Liam that the sheep wouldn't hurt him.  He is such a good big brother.

Liam loved all the pumpkins of course.  We saw the new "record biggest" pumpkin in the state.  It was over 1200 pounds!!!

The boys loved this covered wagon they had.  

A lady at the fair had this really cool machine thing ( I have no idea what it was called) that made rope.  Both the boys got a rope and wore them as belts the rest of the day. 

 We let the boys ride a few rides.  I was nervous because Liam has never gone on a ride and then he went on his first ride with just Ruy!  He loves helicopters so naturally he chose to ride the helicopter for his first ride.  He loved it. 

Liam was holding onto his hat the whole ride.  He was so afraid it would fall off!  

We all split a funnel cake but it was gone before I ever thought to get a picture of the boys enjoying it.  Alanna liked it a lot as well. 

One of the things Liam got most excited about was the silly fake flamingo that was by one of the food stands.  He got so happy and said "Mommy! Look at the me-thingo!  He went right over to it real slow and pet it so soft.  I think he thought it was really real! Silly boy!

They had a "cow milking" thing going on while we were there so we let the boys try their hand at it.  Ruy thought it was so cool but Liam was a little nervous about it.  He pet the cow but he wouldn't milk it.  Later we showed him the fake cow that he could "milk" and he was all for that.  He said he "watered" a cow! 

 We had such a great time but after four hours we were all very much worn out.  Nathan had only had a few hours of sleep the night before at the fire station and I had been up early that morning as well.  We headed home, I made homemade pizza for dinner, and then we just relaxed the rest of the evening. 

Another memorable Family Day!

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