Homemade Play-Doh

About a year ago I came across this blog through Pinterest I believe, and found her homemade play-doh recipe on it.  I immediately knew I wanted to try it so I printed out the recipe and put it on my "to-do" list.  The funny thing about "to-do" lists is that there is inevitably one or two things that just never seem to get done.  Yes, homemade play-doh was one of those "never got done" items.  

I pulled the recipe out of Ruy's 1st grade binder at the beginning of this school year and it's been sitting on my desk for weeks now...staring at me saying "please don't let me sit here for another year without trying me!"  Yes, the recipe literally spoke to me today! :)  Not really, but I finally decided to just stop procrastinating on it and make it already.  

So I quick grabbed all the ingredients and whipped up a batch of homemade play-doh.  It took all of maybe ten minutes to make!!!  Seriously that's it!  It was SO easy to make!  I can not believe I didn't make this stuff last year when I found the recipe.  Ruy loved helping me put the food coloring in.  And both boys thought it was just awesome.  We will probably never buy store bought play-doh again.  This stuff is so soft and so cheap to make.  I can't wait to make more and experiment with different colors and add some scents to it!  And now that "make homemade play-doh" has been officially crossed of my "to-do" list... I've been inspired to stop procrastinating on some of the other things on my list.  Hopefully this is a domino effect that will last! hehe. :)

I took a few quick photos on my cell phone to show you the process and how it turned out...sorry the pictures are not the greatest quality but sometimes it's just easier to grab my cell phone than my nice camera. 

This first picture is what it looked like after I first mixed all the ingredients in the pan.

This is what it looked like right before I took it out.

I divided it into 4 balls and then added food coloring (glitter to 1)  to each one. 

Ruy liked mixing in the food coloring.

Liam kept asking if he could eat it.  

They both loved it and can't wait to try out new colors!  I think this play-doh will be keeping them very busy during the winter months coming up. 

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