

Eleven Months

19 Pounds, 3 Ounces, 29 Inches
(I measured her myself this time so this might be slightly off.)

Today you turned eleven months old.  Just one more month until your birthday!  I am so excited for your birthday and so not ready for it all at the same time.  I am just sort of in shock that in just a few short weeks it will already be a year since you were born.  

This past month you learned several new things.  You started playing "peek-a-boo." You put your blanket on your face while I was changing your diaper the other day, and then pulled it off your face and had a huge smile while you did it.  Then you did it again and I said "peek-a-boo" to you and you laughed and laughed.  You also started making a new sound.  It sounds like you are trying to hiss like a snake.  You says "ssss" and your cute little tongue sticks out a little bit when you say it.  It's the cutest.  You also say "mama" all the time.  I still don't think you know I am "mama" but you like to say it and that is fine with me. 

You started drinking from a sippy cup.  I got you two new cups from Target and you just love them.  They are so easy for you to hold and easy for you to drink from.  You are also eating more and more every week.  Pizza is probably your favorite food.  Like Mother...Like Daughter :)  You tried pineapple for the first time the other day and you really liked it.  

You are nursing only about 6 times in a 24-hour period now.  It's hard to get you to nurse after you wake up in the morning or from a nap because you just want to go.go.go all the time! You nurse usually only once a night but sometimes twice.  I actually sometimes like our night-time nursing time because you are so snuggly and warm and nurse for 15-30 minutes.  It is kind of a peaceful time.  You go right back to sleep in your crib even if I lay you down awake so your night-time nursing doesn't bother me. Only the nights once or twice a month when you decide to stay up for three straight hours bothers me. 

You are taking 1-2 steps when you try to walk.  You still prefer to crawl but you have tried to walk a few times this week.  You walked (took 2 steps) from the couch to me the other day.  I was so proud of you and by the smile on your face, I think you were proud of yourself as well.

I think your favorite thing is when we take a walk and you ride in the wagon.  You love our daily afternoon walks.  You get so excited when I open the front door.  You start shaking your body and laughing.  You prop your feet up on the sides of the wagon the whole time we walk.  

You always want to put your fingers in my mouth when I hold you.  You love to give high fives and clap your hands.

You love when Mommy and Daddy sit on the floor and play with you.  You love hearing Liam make "duck" sounds at you, and you love playing with Ruy.  You love when Liam gets down on the floor with you and crawls.  You crawl after him and chase him.  Liam and you laugh and laugh while you both crawl around.  You like to sit up on Daddy's shoulders and hit his head or play with his hat.

You are the sunshine of my life.  Your happiness warms my heart and makes every day brighter!

Happy Eleven Months Sweet Pea

I love you more than you will ever know.

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