Menu Plan {October 19-25}

 It's been a few weeks but here I am with another weekly menu plan.  I'm going to try to post these every Saturday since I plan my menu from Sunday to Saturday.  I repeat a lot of the same meals every week.  No, we're not's just easier that way and we like these meals a lot so it works.  Dinners will change up from week to week some but breakfasts, lunches, and snacks are usually pretty much the same every week.  Nathan and I eat slightly different than the kids for breakfast and lunches since we follow THM, but our dinners are always the same.  Our dinners are always "on-plan" and it's easier to just make the same meal for everyone at dinner time.  If you see something that you would like the recipe for, feel free to ask and I will try to do a post with that recipe.

Week of October 19-25
Sunday (No Nursery)
Breakfast-  Apple Pie (I made something special to celebrate Nathan coming home)  Everyone
Lunch- Crock Pot Cream Cheese Chicken over brown rice & Broccoli (S)  Everyone
Dinner- Sausage & Egg Tacos, fruit (S) Everyone

Breakfast- Me: Muffin In A Mug w/ Cream Cheese & Greek Yogurt Frosting (S) Kids: Banana Muffins
Lunch- Me: Salad & FSP (E) Kids: PB & Jelly, smoothie
Dinner- Chili with ground turkey (E) Everyone  *Pack leftovers for Nathan's dinner on Tuesday.

Tuesday (Nathan @ Station)
Breakfast- Scrambled Eggs (Sides are either turkey bacon &/or Shake) (S) Everyone
Lunch- Me: Turkey, lettuce, tomato wrap (E) Kids: Grilled Cheese & Ham Sandwich, Carrots & Ranch
Dinner- Chicken Tacos (S or E) (Depends on what toppings we use that night) Everyone

Wednesday (Awanas)
Breakfast- Me: Trim Healthy Pancakes with either Sugar-free syrup or Greek Yogurt & berries (E)  Kids: Pancakes
Lunch- Me: Turkey Bacon Salad with Ranch (S) Kids: Mac & Cheese, fruit
Dinner-  Cheeseburger Pie, Deviled Eggs, Pickles (S) Everyone *Pack leftovers for Nathan's dinner on Thursday.

Thursday (Nathan @ Station, & Soccer Practice)
Breakfast- Overnight Oatmeal (E) Everyone
Lunch- Me: Mozzarella & Tomato wrap w/ yogurt & fruit (E) Kids: Cheese & Bean Quesadillas w/ Sour cream, fruit
Dinner- Leftover Chili (E) Everyone *Nathan is working so I'll be keeping it simple.

Breakfast- Me: Omelets with Shake or yogurt with fruit (E or S) Everyone
Lunch- Me: Turkey Wrap (E) Kids: Turkey Sandwich, smoothies
Dinner- Homemade Pizza & Salad (E) Everyone *Pack leftovers for Nathan's dinner on Saturday.

Saturday (Nathan @ Station & Soccer Game)
Breakfast-  Whatever I feel like. 
Lunch- Pack lunch to eat at game.  Me: Wrap & yogurt (E or S) Kids: PB & Jelly, fruit, pretzels
Dinner-  Me: Trim Healthy Mama Pancakes (E) Kids: Pancakes *Nathan is working so I'll be keeping dinner simple.

*Kids Snacks:  (We eat snacks at 10AM and 3PM but I don't tend to ever stick with what I had planned so I just make a list of what snacks I have for the week and pick something off the list as needed. My snacks are a little different from the kids but I never know what I will be in the mood for so I don't preplan my snacks.)
-Homemade trail mix
-Graham Crackers

My Snacks:  This is a list of the snacks I usually eat.
- Greek yogurt with PB, truvia, and sugar free chocolate chips
- Cottage Berry Whip
-Shake (there are so many variations you can make with these)
-Apple with greek yogurt & PB
-Peanuts & String cheese
-Almonds & Fruit
-Yogurt with frozen berries (thawed)

*On the days Nathan is working at the station, he takes a shake with him to drink on his way to work.  I pack him 2 snacks, lunch, dinner, and usually a dessert.  Since Nathan joined me in the THM diet about two months ago, I have been packing his meals. 

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