Pumpkin Painting, School & Apple Cinnamon GGMS Drink

Today was such a beautiful day.  It was a great day for painting pumpkins.  So I made up my Apple Cinnamon GGMS Drink (Good Girl Moon Shine Trim Healthy Mama Drink) and grabbed our History reading book. 

Then I got an old curtain out and set up some paints on paper plates out front.  The boys were so excited.

Liam said that he was painting his pumpkin for me.  He also said "My pumpkin is important!"  Yes Liam...Your "perfect" pumpkin with the big dent in it is very important!

Ruy was pretty serious about some pumpkin painting.  He was pretty focused :) 

We've been studying about Christopher Columbus in History this week so part of our History was reading a story about a family that traveled from Spain to Florida and how difficult the trip was.  Ruy really loved this story.  The little boy in the story was 10 years old, so Ruy liked hearing about a boy his age helping out on the ship.  And Liam...for only being three, he pays attention a lot even in these big stories. He kept asking me questions about the story and wanting to know more.  

This time with the boys was so fun and relaxing.  This is one of the things I love most about home-schooling.  I love sharing these moments of learning and seeing the excitement on their faces, and sharing in their eagerness to learn more.  All while having fun together! 

And here are the finished results...

If you're curious about the GGMS Drink...it's part of the Trim Healthy Mama diet that I follow.  I love love love this drink.  You can change it up in so many different ways and get so many different flavors.  This Apple Cinnamon flavor is one I made up and I'm obsessed with it right now. 

Here is the recipe:


1.5 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar
2 packets Truvia
1/8 tsp Ginger
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Apple Pie Spice
28 oz water (1 quart mason jar)


Mix all ingredients & Enjoy!!!

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