30 Weeks

August 12, 2015 
Weeks pregnant: 30
Weight gained: 30 pounds.  I weigh 142 right now and am assuming I will probably gain another 10 pounds before little man gets here but I'm ok with that.  I'm not stressing over the weight any more and know that I will loose it eventually.
Gender:  Boy...and apparently because of the way my belly is shaped every stranger I bump in to tells me "I knew it!  I knew it was a boy from how your belly is!"  :)
Maternity clothes: Yes and I probably should have more than I do.  Most of my knee length dresses don't fit anymore because my belly pulls them up too high which has left with me very few options.  I have found myself wearing the same 3-5 dresses over and over again lately.  
Sleep: I sleep pretty good but the braxton hicks contractions wake me up sometimes and then immediately as one hits I have to use the bathroom.  Then when I go to get up I usually get a cramp in my stomach and have to sit on the side of the bed and wait for the cramp to go away before I can get up.  Pregnancy Problems!
Best moment in the past month: Celebrating six years of marriage. 
Worst moment in the past month:  Getting a flat tire and then driving 60+ miles on it not remembering I had a flat tire.  Thankful it didn't explode or anything!
Miss anything: Being able to sit without having to keep my legs so far apart so my belly can fit and being able to hold Liam and Alanna on my lap without them basically falling off because they are so close to my knees.  They seem to be getting frustrated as well that I can't hold them the same way I used to.
 Movement:  So much movement that he wakes me up at night and sometimes keeps me awake for a while.  
 Cravings:  No cravings.  I am finding that I am getting fuller faster when I eat because there is less and less room in my belly. 
 Queasy or sick:  I get super dizzy and light-headed especially in the mornings.  I have to bend over and lean on the kitchen sink to wash dishes or lean on the bed every few seconds some mornings when I'm trying to make it.  I can't even stand to say the entire Pledge of Allegiance  in school.  This has been going on for months but it just keeps getting worse as the weeks go by.  My veins are so painful most days that I just am really looking forward to Jude getting here and being able to start letting my body get back to normal.  Don't get me wrong...I love being pregnant but pregnancy is not very easy on my body and by the last few weeks I am always just so ready to heal.
 Looking forward to:  Getting Jude's crib bedding!  I had it custom made from a woman on Etsy and my in-laws bought it for me.  It's going to take a few weeks for her to make it and ship it but I can't wait to see how it all comes together. 


  1. How beautiful! You are a gorgeous mama. And I always look forward to the updates! I'm grateful you post them on the THM page because I forget to come back and look.

    1. I'm glad you enjoy keeping up with my baby bump updates :) I can't always post my blog posts on the THM page because it has to be THM related so if you don't want to miss a post, you can subscribe to my blog and get an email whenever I post! :)
