Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread {E}

When I first started following Trim Healthy Mama I thought I would never be able to eat delicious bread again.  I loved sandwiches, toast, rolls, bagels, french bread...pretty much we had bread every night with our dinner.  Bread was probably one of the biggest reasons I struggled with loosing or maintaining my goal weight my whole life.  The thought of not eating bread any more bothered me a lot but I dived into THM and within a week of cutting out all the white bread I felt so much better.  I stopped having so many stomach issues and I lost six pounds in nine days!!! 

I knew there were on plan breads that you could buy at whole foods stores or even some at stores like Wal-Mart that were "on plan" but they were expensive and I hadn't heard anyone talk about how awesome they were so I never bought them.  I stuck with eating the low-carb wraps or Joseph's Wraps for my lunches mainly.  But then a few months ago, after following Trim Healthy Mama for just over a year I started really looking into the ingredients that were in those wraps and just was not very happy with what I saw.  The low-carb wraps have like 20 ingredients in them and that just seemed crazy to me.  After that, I started paying more attention to how many ingredients were in every thing I was eating and since then, I've made even more changes to how my family and I eat.  I stopped buying the wraps and now we only eat whole wheat bread for our lunches.  

A few months ago I came across the most amazing whole wheat bread recipe.  It's a Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread recipe and is on plan with Trim Healthy Mama.  It is an E recipe and it tastes so incredibly good.  It's soft and everyone in my family loves it.  I follow the original recipe exactly and it turns out perfect every time.  If you've been missing toast and sandwiches today is your day.  You don't have to miss out on them any more.  :) 

The recipe for the Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread can be found here. I buy my sprouted whole wheat flour off of Amazon here.  I buy several bags of it when it goes on sale.  The lowest price I have seen is $10/bag and the highest is $17/bag.  I can make six loaves out of one bag.  And based on getting the flour for $14/bag and all the other ingredients, I believe it costs me around $2.50 per loaf.  These loaves are not as big as the processed loaves of bread you can buy at the store, but this bread is so healthy and it's very filling.  My kids love it as a PB&J, grilled cheese, or toasted with jelly for breakfast.  I use it for a grilled cheese as a Crossover or my favorite way it to have it with turkey, tomato, Dijon mustard, salt, pepper, lettuce, and laughing cow cheese.  It's also really great with all the ingredients I just listed and then pressed in a panini maker.  My Dad bought me a panini maker a few years ago and I love using it for this sandwich! 

I've been so very happy since I found this recipe and I hope that you will give it a try and enjoy it as much as my family does! 


  1. Wow, yours look perfect! I've wanted to try this recipe but always found it so much easier to buy the Ezekiel bread. My favorite is the 7 Sprouted loaf but you are totally right. They are really expensive.

    1. This bread is so easy to make. You should give it a try. It's delicious!
