My Favorite THM Meals {Part 1} Breakfasts

I have had so many people ask me what my favorite Trim Healthy Mama meals are so I thought I would do a post on my top 10 favorite Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinners, Snacks, and Desserts.  My original plan was to do this all in one post but I quickly realized that this was way more time consuming than I had thought it would be so I'm going to do a separate post for each category.  Tonight I'm starting with Breakfasts.  I hope you find this post helpful and please if you see that I have anything listed under the wrong meal type {S, E or Fuel Pull} please tell me so that I can correct it. 


1.  THM Pancakes- E Meal {Page 223}
* I like to eat mine with greek yogurt & berries on top.  Occasionally I will use a small amount of maple syrup.  Maple syrup is not on plan but it is healthy and I don't eat sugar free syrup so for an occasional treat, I will use the maple syrup.

2.  Overnight Oatmeal- E Meal
*Overnight oatmeal is amazing.  My whole family loves it and I always double or triple the recipe to make enough for everyone. I use the THM Sweet Blend to sweeten my oatmeal. There are so many variations you can do with overnight oatmeal!  The possibilities are basically endless.  Here are just a few of my favorites though!

Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oatmeal (E)
* I used apple sauce and chopped apples in mine. 

Peanut Butter Cookie Overnight Oatmeal (Crossover from the Peanut Butter)
*This recipe is SO SO yummy but it is a crossover so if you are not pregnant, nursing, or at goal weight you will probably want to avoid it.

Cake Batter Overnight Oatmeal (E)
*This is a favorite with my kids.  I let them have some sprinkles on top and they think it's awesome :)

Blueberry Cobbler Overnight Oatmeal (E)
*I believe you need to cut back on the blueberries a little bit in this recipe to keep it an E.  I always have not because I was worried about the amount of blueberries messing with my weight but because they are expensive so I usually use either 1 cup of blueberries or 1.5 cups of frozen mixed berries.

Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oatmeal (E)
*With fall just around the corner I know I'll be making this a lot again.  Last year I ate this twice a week sometimes!  

3.  Omelets - S Meal
*Omelets are another one of those meals that have a lot of possibilities.  Ham & cheese, peppers & onions, sausage, bacon, tomato....the list goes on.  I usually just keep it to ham & cheese because I make one big one and then split it with my kids and they don't like peppers and onions but occasionally I will get a little more creative.  To make it even easier you could always buy the frozen pre-cut onion and pepper packages so you don't have to deal with all the cutting in the morning.

4.  Scrambled Eggs - S Meal
Scrambled eggs are good with just salt and pepper or you can throw in some cheddar cheese.  Sometimes I add sausage to mine.  My whole family loves egg tacos as well.

5.  Muffin In A Mug - S Meal {Page 256}
*When I first started THM I hated the MIM.  I thought they tasted so gross and dry I just couldn't believe I would ever like them.  But after my taste buds changed and I adapted the recipes to my liking I realized how wonderful they are!  I love the chocolate recipe from the book and the cinnamon recipe.  I've tried several others that I've found on pinterest but those two are my favorite.  I stopped using almond flour in them most of the time because I can get Golden Flaxseed at Sam's Club for $6.88 for a 3lb bag and that's so much more affordable than Almond Flour.  I also love to add some chocolate chips to my chocolate MIM.  I use a few tablespoons of cream cheese & greek yogurt mixed with truvia and vanilla extract for my "frosting" usually.  But I recently discovered that this cookie dough dip is really good on top of them too :)

6.  Egg Sausage Casserole
*This is my recipe:
10-12 Eggs beaten, 3/4 cup whipping cream, 1 cup cheddar cheese, 2 tsp garlic powder (*Some people have said that this was too much garlic for them, please adjust this to your liking), 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1lb cooked sausage.  Mix together and pour into a greased 9x13 pan.  Sprinkle with more cheddar cheese.  Cover and let it sit overnight in the frig.  Bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes (over times may vary).  Enjoy with ketchup or salsa & sour cream! 

7.  Protein Shakes
*There are SO many options for protein shakes it's kind of crazy.  The book has several great recipes and pinterest is always a great source for finding great recipes.  Here are a few of my favorites. 

Fat Stripping Frappe -S, E or Fuel Pull Meal {Page 240}
*I love this recipe.  It's so filling and so great to pair with a so many meals or to drink as a meal itself.  

Thin Mint Shakes - S
*This is one of my favorite shakes.  I like to drink this as a dessert.  

Snickers Protein Shake - S

Cake Batter Shake - S or E
*This recipe is so yummy.  You can leave out the cocoa to have more of a vanilla taste and use almond milk in place of water for a creamier shake.  Or you could use almond milk, heavy cream or half & half for a thicker S shake.

Peanut Butter Shake - S
*Use all natural peanut butter in place of the peanut flour if you want.  You could also add some banana extract to it for a little different taste and again you could use almond milk, heavy cream, or half & half in place of the water if you wanted to.

8.  Egg White Scramble - E or Fuel Pull {Page 217}
*This is great for a delicious E meal.  I never thought I would like egg whites but once I tried them I was pleasantly surprised at how wrong I had been.

9.  Savory Protein Muffins - S, E, or Fuel Pull {Page 221}
These are so easy to make and great for kids or husbands who need to eat on the go.  Depending on if you use eggs or egg whites and what add ins you put in will determine what meal category they fall into.  I like using whole eggs, ham & cheese or sausage & cheese.

10.  Greek Yogurt with fruit - S, E or Fuel Pull.
* I make my own greek yogurt now and have it for breakfast sometimes.  I like to sweeten it with truvia and add it fruit.  I'll use mixed berries, strawberries, peaches, apples, sometimes a little banana.  Sometimes I'll drink a shake with this or have some eggs with it for an S meal.  Sprouted whole wheat toast with on plan jelly also is great with it for an E meal or if you want a crossover you could have some toast with all natural peanut butter.

Well there it is...some of my top 10 favorite breakfast recipes.  I hope you found something in the list helpful.  I'd love to hear what your favorite breakfast recipes are!

Egg Sausage Casserole


  1. Thank you for saying that about the MIM, I am fairly new to THM and I really hate it and I just don't understand how people like it! :) Now I guess I just have to wait and see how much my taste buds change! I love all of your ideas, and eventually will try the MIM again, just not any time soon!!

    1. There were a lot of things that took time for me to adjust to. Finding the right sweetener helps. I only use Truvia and the THM Sweet Blend. They both are great and leave no bitter after taste. The Sweet Blend is great for baking since you only have to use a small amount. I've had to do lots of trial and error with recipes making adjustments to the ingredients to fit to my liking. The skinny chocolate is something that no matter what I do I just don't like it so I stopped making it. But the MIM I really like now. But I can't eat it without some kind of frosting or it's just too plain. Try different things with it...use different flours, add more liquid, add more sweetener, add chocolate chips. Eventually you will probably find something that works for you! :) Just don't give up on the healthy lifestyle. It's really great!

  2. Is the 2 tsp of garlic powder correct in the egg casserole? I made it last night/this morning and the seasonings are WAY too strong. My whole house reeked all day and it tasted much too strong to eat. Totally bummed at wasting ten eggs and a pound of sausage.

  3. Yes that's correct. That is what I used. I like garlic but if it's too strong for you cut it back to 1/2 tsp. I never thought to say to use any less because we all loved it. So sorry you weren't happy with it. I'll make a note of it on the post to adjust garlic to taste.

  4. Oh yummy! Those versions of overnight oats look delish! Thanks for sharing.
