Six Years Married & Our Trip To PA

This past weekend we went to Pennsylvania to visit my grandparents (my Dad's parents).   It just happened to be the same weekend that our six year wedding anniversary was on.  We didn't really have anything major we wanted to do or anything we really wanted to buy (I'm buying enough stuff for the baby right now :) so just being together was our gift to each other.  Nathan has been working so much so it was really nice just to spend a whole weekend together.  

I could have done without the flat tire I had to get changed the morning of our trip and the very long eight hour drive up there and the very long seven hour drive back home though! Yep...we had to get two tires changed the morning of our trip and ended up leaving three hours later than I had wanted to.  We then got stuck in some serious traffic which has never really happened to us before on one of our trips up to PA.  And of course with three kids and a pregnant women, we had to stop every two hours for either a bathroom break or to eat.  

Despite the flat tire and the long drive we really enjoyed our weekend.  Saturday was our anniversary and it was such a pretty day.  We spent a good part of the day outside.  My Granny & Poppop's house is a log cabin and it's one of the most beautiful, relaxing places in the whole world.  The kids found the two frogs that live in their little fountain and that entertained them for a long time.  Nathan played horse-shoes and croquet with the kids for a long time 

and we took a little walk.  

My Granny made a delicious dinner and she made homemade ice-cream sandwiches.  So I didn't have to do any cooking or cleaning on my anniversary and I got to spend the day with my family.  I'd say it was a good anniversary.  

I've been very blessed this past six years and I'm so thankful to be married to my best friend.  

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