Menu Plan For The Week Of August 1

Here is my menu plan for the week.  It was a really long morning so by the time I got home at 1:30 today, I didn't end up taking pictures of what I bought.  I did stay under my budget of $125/week though.  

Menu Plan for  August 1-August 9

Saturday: Grocery Shopping Day
B- Me: Trim Healthy Mama Pancakes (E) Kids: Whole Wheat Pancakes
*I added a small amount of the Trim Healthy Mama Sweet Blend to the kids pancakes, 1/2 cup more milk, and 1/2 cup chocolate chips.  These were good but I liked the Whole Wheat Banana Pancakes I make normally better.  I was out of bananas this morning though.
L- Chick-fil-a (We were out grocery shopping all morning & I had no energy to go home and try to figure out what to make for lunch so we ate out.)
D- Homemade Pizza & Salad (E) Everyone

*Make Cinnamon Rolls for tomorrow morning.  
Sunday:  Nursery @10AM
B- Bread Machine Cinnamon Rolls (Cheat) Everyone 
*I changed a few things about this recipe so not sure how they will turn out.  I used only whole wheat flour and used Trim Healthy Mama sweet blend in place of sugar. These are in the frig (Saturday night) so all I have to do is pull them out of the frig, let them rise and then bake them.  Easy no mess on Sunday morning!

L- Homemade Macaroni & Cheese (kept warm in the crock pot while we're at church), Green Beans (S) Everyone
D- Smoothies & Muffins (Muffin in a Mug for me...Chocolate Zucchini Muffins for the kids) (S)  (My husband will be working so keeping dinner simple)

Monday:  1st Day of School & Doctor's Appointment for Alanna
B- Me:  Muffin in a mug (S) Kids: Chocolate Zucchini Muffins
L- Me:  Chef Salad, fruit (S) Kids: PB & Jelly, fruit
D- Alfredo over Dreamfields Pasta & Peas (S) Everyone
(This is one of Ruy's favorite meals.  He requested we have it this week)

B- Scrambled eggs with cheese, fruit  (S) Everyone
L- Whole wheat pretzels, smoothies (Cheat) Everyone
D- Chicken Tacos (S or E) Everyone

Wednesday: Birthday Party at 12pm
B-  Me: Trim Healthy Pancakes (E) Kids: Whole Wheat Pancakes
L- Pizza (Cheat) Everyone  
D- Cheeseburger Casserole & Green Beans (S) Everyone 
* I use Golden Flaxseed instead of Almond Flour

B- Overnight Oatmeal (E) Everyone
L- Fotato Soup (E) Everyone *Recipe in the THM book.
D- Homemade Pizza & Salad (E) Everyone

Friday:  Going to PA to stay with my grandparents
B- Ham & Cheese Omelets, protein shake (S) Everyone  
L- (Packed for in the car) Me & Nathan: Ham & Cheese Sandwiches with lettuce & tomato. Kids: PB & Jelly.  Homemade Granola & Homemade Greek Yogurt.
D- Dinner at my Grandparents  

Saturday: At my Grandparents
Sunday: At my Grandparents

Things to make this week:
Granola, Refried Beans, Almond Milk, Granola Bars, Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread, Chocolate Zucchini Muffins, Whole Wheat Pancakes, THM Pancakes, Banana Bread.

Our snacks will include:
Air-popped popcorn, granola, granola bars, banana bread, veggies & ranch, yogurt & fruit, smoothies, peanuts, raisons. 
*I will not be eating everything on the list since it's not all on plan.   However, I do eat several crossovers each week and a few cheats since I am pregnant.  My cheats are usually either Chick-fil-a or a healthy whole food that the kids are having like banana bread.   

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