Today I  (along with one of my other friends Kayla) hosted a baby shower for one of my good friends Katie.  We go to church together and she is just about one of the sweetest people you will ever meet!  Always a smile on her face & nothing bad to say about anyone!  I was so happy to be able to celebrate with her, family and friends on the arrival of her baby girl.  She's due in three weeks and isn't telling the name until her baby is born.  I'm dying to know what name her and her husband picked out!  

I am blessed to go to a church with so many awesome ladies who always help out so much with baby showers.  Everyone brought food.  I was worried we wouldn't have enough...haha!  There was enough food to feed a small army.  It was way more food than the 10 or 12 of us ladies who were there could eat but I always say leftovers are a good thing :)  

I made Iced Coffee Punch which always is a big hit at all the baby showers and today was no exception.  When all was said and done, there was enough left for me to fill one more mason jar full.  It's in my frig for tomorrow when I go to church!  And yes, we used mason jars for our drinking glasses because like I always say..."everything tastes better in a mason jar!" 

*Recipe at the end of the post.

 This was the first time I ever hosted anything at my house.  I've always been so nervous about hosting anything because my house is so small.  It's 1056 sq. feet to be exact.  But I really wanted to go out of my comfort zone and host it at my house.  I'm glad I did.  Everyone seemed to have a good time and everyone said they loved the house.  So I guess my fears were unnecessary.  

I set up a table on the back porch for some of the ladies to use. My husband and I have big dreams on building a new deck.  We want a big deck so that we can have awesome cookouts and such on it. 

Bella (Katie's daughter) is so excited about being a big sister.  She loved helping open all the gifts. 

And of course I had to snap a quick shot of my own baby girl cause even with her doughnut & strawberry covered face/clothes, she's too cute! :)

And then I took a few shots of Katie with her family that were able to come to the shower.  I wish I would have gotten a big group shot of everyone that came but I didn't think about it until after the shower was over.

And then here's me & Katie...due just a few weeks apart.  I should have stood sideways so that my belly would have shown better.  

Katie you are so beautiful inside & out and are a wonderful Mother, Wife, & Friend.  
I can't wait to meet your sweet little girl! 

Iced Coffee Punch Recipe:
Brew 2 cups strong coffee (I used decaf).  While coffee is still hot mix in 1/4 cup of Trim Healthy Mama Sweet Blend (or use sugar.  I don't use sugar so I'm not sure how much you would need).  Put in the frig overnight.  Right before your guests arrive, mix the coffee with 1 gallon of milk and 1 container of vanilla ice-cream (I used Breyers)  Break up ice-cream slightly and then ENJOY!  

*To make this completely on plan with Trim Healthy Mama, you could use almond milk in place of regular milk, and use the low carb Breyers vanilla ice-cream. 

*I adapted this recipe from another recipe that was given to me by a lady from my church.

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