Yesterday was our field trip day.  We headed to the zoo first thing in the morning, which was awesome because the weather was amazing.  It was cool and breezy and I didn't feel like I was going to pass out from heat exhaustion the whole time.  We went with another home-school family.  Ruy brought two little squirt guns with him so him and his friend Luke spent most of the time running around shooting each other with water.  They had a blast.  

Liam brought his little stuffed giraffe with him because he wanted to show the giraffes.  It was pretty awesome how the giraffe looked right at his stuffed giraffe.  Liam was very excited about it. 

Of course Alanna was really happy about seeing all the animals but was too afraid to touch the giraffes.  She felt a little safer with the goats :) 

Later that evening the kids and I spent some time outside racing matchbox cars and monster trucks down the driveway.  It was so entertaining for them.  Alanna kept saying "tada" after she would race hers down.  

Liam wasn't feeling so well last night so he needed some extra snuggles. 

And then when Ruy realized it was National Dog Day yesterday, he wanted a picture with Duke and had to give him an extra treat.  

That is one loved dog.  My kids are all crazy about him.  

Anyways...that was our field trip day.  It was fun and relaxing.  It's hard to believe the weekend starts tomorrow!  The weeks seriously fly by so fast right now.  I hope you all enjoy your weekend!

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