First Day Of School

Monday we started back to school.  We had a three month break and enjoyed a lot of fun days just taking it easy but we were ready to get back into school and get into a good routine.  I'm so thankful for the opportunity to teach and train my children at home and I wouldn't change it for the world.  It's definitely something I feel God has called our family to and I believe with all my heart that it's the very best thing for my kids.  I look at home-schooling, as well as being a wife and a mother, as my ministry and my prayer is to help lead my kids closer to God.  

Here are our pictures from our first day: 

* Ruy has been so excited to start 3rd grade.  I can not believe he is E.I.G.H.T and that he is in third grade already.  I feel like it was yesterday that he was starting pre-school. 

* Liam has been excited about starting pre-school but was not very happy about being pulled away from his wheelbarrow and worm searching to take these pictures.  Ruy managed to pull a smile out of him though! 

...And Baby Girl...well she's never allowed to grow up.  She has to stay little forever!  Seriously though she is growing up way way way to fast. 

And just like that we're back into another school year! 

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