32 Weeks

Dress & Shoes//Target

*The dress was a little longer before I washed it.  I'm not sure why it shrunk some since I didn't dry it.  Looks like I won't be wearing it out again until after I loose the baby bump :)

August 26, 2015 
Weeks pregnant: 32
Weight gained: 33 pounds.  I weigh 145.
Gender:  Boy.
Maternity clothes: Wearing maternity & regular clothes.  I bought a robe last week which is so comfy.  I've been enjoying wearing it at night and plan on taking it to the hospital.
Sleep: Sleep is the same pretty much.  I wake up a few times a night for the bathroom but it continues to get harder to get in and out of the bed.
Best moment in the past month: Getting to be with one of my friends on Sunday through her labor and delivery to help her go natural.  It was amazing.  I love being at births.  She went natural and did an awesome job at it.  I was so proud of her! Now I just have to get myself prepared mentally for Jude's birth in a few weeks :)
Worst moment in the past month:  Alanna fell from the top of our playground!  I tried getting to her on time to catch her but did not make it.  She tripped and fell right off.  It was horrible watching it happen but she is so tough.  She cried for about one minute and then looked up at me and said "slide!"  And pointed to the slide, got down, climbed back up the ladder, and went down the slide.  My goodness.  She is one tough little girl.  I guess that's what happens when you have two older brothers.
Miss anything: Being able to bend over and buckle my shoes, or cut my toenails, or just to bend over and still be able to breathe while doing so! :) 
 Movement:  He moves so much and sometimes it hurts.  He's getting bigger all the time.
 Cravings:  Chick-fil-a always but you already know that I crave that when I'm not pregnant.  I have been thinking about pumpkin things a lot lately since fall is just around the corner.  I need to find some good Trim Healthy Mama recipes that have pumpkin in them!
 Queasy or sick: Still super dizzy all the time.
 Looking forward to: The baby shower I'm hosting on Saturday for one of my good friends.  She is due in just a few weeks and I can't wait to meet her sweet little girl!  Baby showers are so fun.  I love chatting with all my friends and drinking way to much iced coffee punch! 

If you missed my post "My Tips To Having A Natural Childbirth"  you can check it out here.  

Well that's all for this week.  Only a few more Baby Bump updates to go and then my sweet little boy will be here!


  1. You are gorgeous. I'm hating that I'm not nearby so I can feel Jude kick and be with you. :(

  2. Awesome! And beautiful pictures as always :)

  3. You look amazing!!
    This is one of my favorite fall drinks and it's easy to THMify :) just replace the honey with stevia unless you are fine with using it.

    Are you a doula?

    1. Yes, I've made something very similar to that latte last year. I love it. Thanks for the reminder :)

      No, I'm not a doula. I just love birth. :)
