Moving Alanna To Her Big Girl Bed

Alanna has been in her little mini crib since the day we brought her home from the hospital.  She co-slept with me off and on throughout the night until she was about four months old and then decided she liked her crib better than my bed and pretty much refused to sleep next to me after that point.  That's around the same time I moved her crib into her own room.  I remember that being so hard for me because Ruy shared a room with me until he was two and Liam slept in the same bed as me until he was one.  But she was so different from the boys and liked her crib best and once I moved her into her own room, she slept even longer stretches at night time.  She has always loved her bed and so when I decided I needed to move her into a twin bed so that Jude could use the mini crib, I wasn't sure how well she would handle it.  

The twin bed is the top bed of the bunk bed set that my sister's and I used when we were kids.  It's solid wood from This End Up.  I used the top bed because it has two wood railings that go all the way down both sides of the bed.  I figured she wouldn't be able to climb out of the bed that way or roll out of it at night.  I had it set up in her room for about two weeks before I finally decided to make the switch.  I was worried I would have weeks of fighting with her to not stand up in the bed or to go to sleep.  Liam was kind of hard to get to stay in his bed when we moved him and I just really didn't want to deal with that again right now. She has been my best sleeper by far though so I hoped I was just having unrealistic fears.  

We made the switch to her "big girl" bed on Saturday night.  I kept the same routine with her....pjs, brush teeth, read a book, sing songs & snuggle blankie while I rock her in the dark, and then I laid her in her new bed.  She didn't really seem to like the idea.  She cried for about ten minutes and then I went into her room to tell her to go to sleep.  She was sitting on the end of the bed saying "mommy" so I hugged her, laid her back down and told her to go to sleep.  She whined for about five more minutes and then slept through the night.  All that worrying for nothing!  Sunday night she got upset because she dropped her blankie down the side of the bed onto the floor and she doesn't sleep well without her blankie laying on her face.  I had to move the bed away from the wall and climb in bed with her to get it but once she had it, she fell right back to sleep.  

So I'd say that the switch to a big girl bed for Alanna was a success.  She looks so tiny in that big bed and it makes me feel a little sad thinking about how fast she is growing up.  It's so hard to believe we'll have another little blessing here soon and she'll be almost two at that point.  

Quilt//Handmade by my Mom //Pink Footie Pjs // Llama Stuffed Animal (Carter's- Sold Out) // Organic Bunny Stuffed Animal (Yankee Candle Factory-Sold Out)

I'm hoping she doesn't figure out how to climb out of bed any time soon:) 

I hope you all have a great week!

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