Our Menu Plan for August 10

We were in PA visiting my grandparents all weekend so I wasn't able to go grocery shopping on Friday or Saturday like I normally would and then tomorrow Nathan's parents are coming up after lunch to celebrate Liam's birthday since they couldn't be here on his actual birthday so...grocery shopping is having to wait until Tuesday!  But here is my menu plan for the week and I'll post how my grocery shopping trip went and how my budget went once I go shopping Tuesday. 

Menu Plan for  August 10-14

Monday:  Nathan's Parents Coming Up To Visit
B- Me:  Blackberry & Blueberry Overnight Oatmeal (E) Everyone
L-  Chicken Noodle Soup (from the freezer) (E) Everyone
D- Homemade Pizza (Nathan's mom asked me to make my pizza for dinner) (E) Everyone
Dessert- Cake (Cheat) Nathan's mom is bringing cake for Liam's Birthday and Nathan's Dad's Birthday since they couldn't celebrate with us on his actual birthday.

*Pack Nathan's meals for work tomorrow
*Soak Beans for Chili

B- Scrambled eggs with cheese, fruit  (S) Everyone
L- Turkey & Cheese Sandwiches on Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread, Smoothies (E) Everyone
D- Chili (E) Everyone 
*I don't follow an exact recipe I just kind of throw in what I always do so this time I will take measurements and post my recipe. 

B-  Me: Trim Healthy Pancakes (E) Kids: WholeWheat Pancakes (from the freezer)
L- Homemade Chicken Nuggets, Veggies w/ Ranch (S) Everyone 
*Excuse the terrible picture but I made these about a week ago and they turned out amazing.  I made up the recipe myself.  I'll be posting the recipe later this week:) 
D- Leftover Chili (E) Everyone

*Pack Nathan's Meals for work
*Soak beans for refried beans tomorrow

L- "Snack-y-lunch" Turkey Pepperoni, fruit, Whole Wheat Pretzels (E) Everyone
*I'm going to try this recipe using the sprouted whole wheat flour.  I've never done it before but I'm hoping it will turn out good.  I'm going to cut the recipe in half though so just in case it doesn't turn out, I won't have wasted 4 cups of flour.
D- Chicken Tacos with homemade re-fried beans, tomato, lettuce, mozzarella cheese, salsa (E) Everyone 
*I'm going to attempt to make homemade tortilla shells but haven't found a recipe to use yet.  I'll let you know if I do.

B- Ham & Cheese Omelets, fruit (S) Everyone 
L- Me: Turkey Sandwich, homemade yogurt w/ fruit (E) Kids: PB & Jelly, homemade yogurt w/ fruit
D- Turkey Burgers, Sweet Potato Fries, Pickles (E) Everyone

Things to make this week:
Granola, Refried Beans, Almond Milk, Granola Bars, Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread, Muffins, , THM Pancakes, Banana Bread, Homemade Chocolate Syrup, On plan cookies (Not sure what kind yet but my kids have been asking for cookies) 

Our snacks will include:
Air-popped popcorn, granola, granola bars, banana bread, veggies & ranch, yogurt & fruit, smoothies, peanuts, raisins.  

*Last week I never got around to making the granola, granola bars, or banana bread so really hoping to get those done this week.  Also the homemade chocolate syrup is amazing.  It's not "on plan" with THM since it has so much honey in it, but my kids love it and I'm not going to lie...I've enjoyed a glass here and there with some whole milk and it's basically like a dessert :)  Not something I would want to indulge in every day but ok for a treat every once in a while.  

And that's it for this week.  Please let me know if you want a recipe for a certain meal.   

And just because I hate to write a post without adding a pretty picture...
here is one of my sweet girl with her favorite stuffed animal. 

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