Our Menu Plan, Grocery Shopping Trip & A Carton Of Broken Eggs

Ruy has been gone on vacation for one week as of today and I am really really really missing him.  Nothing feels the same with him gone and I miss his sweet little face so much! 

Today was grocery shopping day once again.  I decided not to go to Aldi this week because I got frustrated at the fact that I ran out of cheese, honey & maple syrup so quickly.  It's definitely more expensive to buy those things in smaller portions than in bulk at Sam's Club.  I also decided to try something different this week.  I decided that I would use this weeks menu plan for next week as well and just eat the same meals two weeks in a row.  I grocery shopped for two weeks worth of food (except for whole milk for the kids.  I can only fit 1 gallon at a time in my frig.)  And don't plan on going back to the grocery store until the first weekend in September.  I know I need some school supplies for school next week that I forgot to get so I'll just grab a gallon of milk when I go to get the school supplies.  I spent a lot more than my normal $100-$125 weekly budget today, but I was low on some thing or out of some things, and I was shopping for two weeks.  I'm really hoping that shopping for two weeks works out because I would love, love, love not having to grocery shop every Friday or Saturday.  

Some of you might be "weirded" out by the fact that we're going to eat the same meals two weeks in a row but honestly our breakfasts and lunches are pretty much almost always the same every week and we have certain dinners that we really like.  So we end up eating a lot of the same meals over and over again pretty often.  It works for our family and doesn't bother us at all.  My husband is not a picky eater and is "on plan" with Trim Healthy Mama as well.  I actually try to feed our whole family "on plan" as much as possible because I found it so much easier to just make one meal for everyone rather than having to make lots of separate meals.  Plus it's easier to stay on plan when everyone is eating the same things.

Today's trip started out at Kroger.  We were there just over an hour.  A trip to the family bathroom & me leaving my wallet in the van and realizing it at check-out added a little extra time to our trip to Kroger.  But the kids were really good while we were there which was really great.  Liam had to walk the whole time because I needed too many things today for us to use the cart with the car in the front.  We had a little chat before we went into Kroger about obeying and staying with me and he really did fantastic the whole time we were in there.

 *I brought my big cooler today since I knew I'd be getting a lot.

We left Kroger and went to Sam's Club.  The kids were pretty much ready to be done with the whole grocery shopping thing by that point and honestly I was too.  It's pretty exhausting being 31 weeks pregnant and pushing around a cart with 2 kids and a bunch of groceries.  Liam squeezed Alanna one too many times making her really angry. So she threw her snack cup at me and got pretzels all over the place.  But besides that little indecent we got out of Sam's Club with everyone still in one piece :) 

I've decided on grocery shopping days we will just eat out.  By the time I'm finished shopping I am so worn out that it's just so overwhelming to go home and try to get the kids lunch and then have to bring in all the groceries.  So I've stopped feeling guilty about it and just decided that grocery shopping day is our day to eat out each week.  

We headed to Chick-fil-a after Sam's Club and since the kids were so good (besides our few incidents) I treated them to ice-cream cones.  Alanna kept insisting that I share her soggy delicious cone with her and no matter how much I said "no thank you" she kept shoving it in my face.  So I finally started saying "yum yum thank you" every time and she got so excited and would then take it out of my face and eat some herself...only to shove it back in my face 5 seconds later :)  

 After lunch we headed home.  I then had to unload all the groceries.  I had what seemed like a never-ending amount because well our driveway is on a hill and walking back and forth from my van to the house up that little hill basically makes me just want to lie down right there and fall asleep instead of carry the groceries in.  But I pushed through it and made the 100 million trips from the van to the house carrying in all the groceries.  Since I'm pregnant I have to take so many trips so I don't hurt myself.  I really wish my husband was home when I grocery shopped but it's a rare thing.  I did have a big helper today though.  Liam decided he wanted to help and carried in all the little things that he could and he would wait for me and hold the door open for me.  It was really sweet.  I unfortunately dropped the ground turkey as I was handing it to Liam to carry in and it cracked and blood got all over both of our feet.  And then when I walked inside to go wash up my feet....

I saw Alanna standing in a pile of broken eggs!!!

Yes she got into the eggs and broke all but 3 of them.  She wiped the eggs on her dress and said "messy...no-no!"  I wanted to be angry but honestly it was too humorous to get angry about.  It was such a classic way to end a long morning at the grocery store and she is so sweet and beautiful it's kind of hard to get mad at her.  I cleaned her and myself up and then the eggs and moved on.

*only 3 eggs left!

 I took the kids to the park later that evening and it was a beautiful night for it.  I think we were all completely worn out after that though because Liam kept telling me he was sleepy.  

Well enough about our crazy busy grocery shopping days.

Here is our menu plan for this week & next week.

*The only day that will look at little different is next Saturday.  I'm hosting a baby shower and so our breakfast will be different from tomorrow's breakfast.

B- Oat Waffles (E) Everyone
L- Snack-y-lunch... String cheese, turkey pepperoni, smoothies or fruit (E) Everyone
D- Homemade Pizza & Salad (E) Everyone
*I like to make one cheese & then one with onions & peppers for me and my husband.

*Make Black Beans & Apple Pie Muffins today

Sunday: *Nursery
B- Apple Pie Muffins (E) Everyone
*I have this recipe printed out but can't find the link.  I'll keep looking for it.
L- Alfredo & peas (S) Everyone
*I make my Alfredo without meat to save money.  I also don't use the grated Parmesan cheese since it's so expensive but use the kind in the green container.  I also add a little bit more liquid to this recipe, garlic, and some parsley.  My whole family loves this.  We eat it pretty often.  It's Ruy's favorite meal.
D- Homemade Chicken Nuggets & corn on the cob.  (S) Everyone
*I probably won't eat the corn since it's not on plan.

B- Me//Apple Pie Muffins (E)  Kids//Whole Wheat Banana Muffins (From Freezer)
L- Me//Turkey, cheese, turkey bacon, tomato & lettuce panini. & Fruit. (E)  Kids//Ham & cheese panini.  Fruit.
D-Taco Soup (E)
*My family really loves this soup.  The zucchini in it tastes so good! I plan on adding some black beans to this to make it a little more filling since I didn't buy any blue corn chips this week. 

B- Scrambled eggs with cheese, fruit (S) Everyone
L- Broccoli Soup (S) Everyone
*My whole family loves this soup! 
D- Whole Chicken (from freezer) in crock pot. Served over brown rice and sweet potato on the side.  (E) Everyone

B- Me//Trim Healthy Mama Pancakes (from the book) served with homemade greek yogurt & mixed berries. (E) Kids//Whole Wheat Banana Pancakes (from the freezer) with maple syrup
L- Me//Chef Salad (ham & hard-boiled eggs) with ranch & shake (S) Kids//PB & J, carrots & ranch.
D- Hamburgers for my husband & kids, Turkey Burger for me, sweet potato fries, green beans (E)

B- Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Overnight Oats (E) Everyone
*Use sugar free chocolate chips or 85% chocolate chip chunks to be "on plan".  I use the 60% cocoa baking chips.
L- Homemade Mac & Cheese, carrots & ranch (S) Everyone
* This is my own recipe.  I plan on sharing it this coming week once I have time to type it up.
D- Chicken & bean burritos (Crossover) Everyone
*Use low-carb wraps. Use greek yogurt in place of sour cream for topping and mozzarella cheese instead of cheddar if you want to stay in a E.  I will have sour cream & cheddar for a Crossover since I'm pregnant.

B- Ham & Cheese Omelets (S) Everyone
L- Snack-y-Lunch, Fruit, turkey pepperoni, string cheese (E) Everyone
D- Chili (E) Everyone

Air-popped popcorn, smoothies, shakes, yogurt w/fruit, cucumbers with ranch, granola bars (for the kids), cottage berry whip, peanuts, cheese, fruit,

Chocolate Zucchini Cake, Lemon Cake, Peanut Butter Cup Chia Seed Pudding
*These are all new recipes for me so I'm hoping at least one of them turns out :)

Here is what I bought.  Top picture is Sam's, the bottom picture is Kroger.  Missing from the pictures are toilet paper, ground turkey, and a big can of tomato sauce.  I'm not going to list out each item and price this week because I bought a lot and I'm tired and just don't have the energy to type it all out honestly :)  But I spent $197 at Sam's & $109 at Kroger.  That includes grocery items and household items like toilet paper, ziplock bags, facewash, etc. that I had to buy today.  Without the household items, I would have been right on track with my $125 weekly grocery budget, because since I was shopping for 2 weeks I had $250 to spend.  So I feel like I did pretty well.  Oh I will be buying more eggs on Monday though :)  

I apologize for the crappy cell phone pictures.  I was so busy today I just didn't feel like bringing the "big girl" camera along! 

Anyways... I hope you found something helpful in my menu.  If you have any questions, please leave a comment below!  

And remember you can always "like" my blog on Facebook to keep up with posts! 

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