Our First Week In School

This week went by pretty fast.  Our last day of school for the week was today because we're going to PA for the weekend to visit my grandparents.  It's been over a year since we saw them so it's a much overdue visit.  Our first week had some bumps along the way as we were working on getting used to doing school again and trying to figure out what schedule/routine would work best.  There was also the change of having three kids to work with for school this year instead of just two.  Last year, Alanna was still taking a two hour nap every morning and afternoon but now she only takes a nap in the afternoon.  So a lot of time was spent this week trying to figure out what things would keep her occupied best.  Today this calculator kept her busy for a good while.  She pretended it was a phone. 

We all ended up getting little colds this week as well so that kind of added to Liam and Alanna being a little more needy than normal.  But overall I think our first week went really well and we had a good time. 

 Of course our outside time was important.  We did a lot of relays this week, swinging, and playing on the slide...all while getting "eaten alive" by mosquitoes!

 Ruy's Science and History has been really enjoyable already and Liam is loving his little pre-school stuff.  Alanna is wanting to do everything Liam is doing as well, which I kind of figured would happen.  She has been singing along with us when we sing "The A says "ah" the A says "ah...every letter makes a sound the A says "ah".  It's pretty cute listening to them both sing it.   

I've seen a lot more mess on my kitchen table this week as well.

We had a birthday party to go to on Wednesday so we got most of our school done before the party and then Ruy finished up his independent work when we got home.  The party was at Chuck-E-Cheese and it's been years since I've been there.  The last time I went was on a Saturday and it was so crowded I felt completely overwhelmed so I was a little worried that I wouldn't enjoy my time there.  But since it was a week day the place was basically empty.  There were no other parties going on and we all had a really great time.  Liam and Alanna spent most of their time on the horse ride and the monster truck ride while Ruy ran around with Aiden (the birthday boy :)  and played all sorts of games and had so much fun!  I was pretty much exhausted by the time we got home 3 hours later but it was a good kind of exhaustion.  I loved seeing the kids have such a good time.  We did end up eating leftovers for dinner because I didn't have the energy to cook much of anything :)  

And then I'd say today was our most fun day in school this week.  The kids had to go collect worms and put them in a jar since we are learning about organisms and their "niche" in Science right now.  All three of the kids thought it was totally awesome digging in the dirt for worms.  Alanna thought the idea was to throw dirt on Mom and laughed and thought that was great fun.  I however did not think getting dirt thrown all over me several times was that great.  So I found her an empty flower pot and told her to throw the dirt in that.  Liam found a Daddy Long-Leg Spider and told me it was his friend.  When I asked him what he was doing he said "Oh I'm pulling my friend's legs off!"  It was too late by the time I tried to stop him...as much as I hate spiders I don't encourage tearing spiders' legs off.  But I think every child is probably guilty of doing it at some point or another. 

Ruy also got a 100 on his first spelling test today!  So proud of him. :)  That's a great way to end the first week of school. 

 Tomorrow morning I have to get up early and pack everything up.  It's about a five hour drive to my grandparent's house which usually turns into a seven hour drive so I'm praying the trip goes well with minimal crying from Alanna (she hates long drives and won't nap in the van)!  

 I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

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